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Everything posted by exec

  1. exec


    Welcome~ Don't worry about being new to this, we'll get you through it^^
  2. Updated for i11845, don't forget to update both Pale and Zemyna to be able to log packets after today's iTOS update.
  3. Updated for i11845, don't forget to update both Pale and Zemyna to be able to log packets after today's iTOS update.
  4. I assume you mean they can connect using the public IP now. The reason why they can't connect to the channel server is still the same, that doesn't change. The IP needs to be correct and the ports have to be open of course if they aren't yet. Though they can connect to the login server, so they probably are. Anyway, the ports are the ones mentioned in the green status message on each server window.
  5. Your first problem, with your public IP probably relates to you not having forwarded the necessary ports from your router to the machine the server us running on. If the client can't download certain files from the web server you will get that error message, like when it can't connect to it. The other issue, being able to connect to the login server, but not the channel, occurs because you haven't set the channel IP in system/db/servers.txt. All the client initially gets is the IP to the login server, from there the login server tells the client where to connect to next. As you can see in that file, the default is, the local machine. If the login server tells you to connect to that IP, you're able to connect, because the server is running on the same machine, but for everybody else that IP must be your Hamachi IP. Once you change that, you and everybody else should be able to connect. Proper stats haven't been implemented yet, though someone is working on them. This will of course be added in the hopefully near future, but you'll learn that Melia is still early in development, and not too many features are working just yet.
  6. Ah, you're absolutely right, that is a little redundant. Could there be any situation where we might need that? I haven't played the game enough to know.
  7. Yes, but why separate that from the actual job data? Btw, I think we shouldn't create base stats for everything, but only for stats that actually have a base value. For example, weight is completely calculated to my knowledge. You may check the client data for formulas.
  8. What do we have to gain by moving the stats in your opinion? I don't see an advantage right now.
  9. That was added before iCBT2 when there were no different starting towns yet. Since the client had those values for every job I assumed you were eventually meant to start in different cities based on your job. You're right, that code is obsolete now. Adding it to a conf file, like login, would be one option, another would be to create a db, in case more starting cities are added at some point. If there were like 8 starting places, having them in a db would make for much cleaner code. Exaggerated example: var startingCity = (StartingCity)packet.GetInt(); switch(startingCity) { case StartingCity.City1: map = LoginServer.Instance.Conf.Login.StartMapCity1; x = LoginServer.Instance.Conf.Login.StartXCity1; y = LoginServer.Instance.Conf.Login.StartYCity1; z = LoginServer.Instance.Conf.Login.StartZCity1; break; case StartingCity.City2: map = LoginServer.Instance.Conf.Login.StartMapCity2; x = LoginServer.Instance.Conf.Login.StartXCity2; y = LoginServer.Instance.Conf.Login.StartYCity2; z = LoginServer.Instance.Conf.Login.StartZCity2; break; case StartingCity.City3: map = LoginServer.Instance.Conf.Login.StartMapCity3; x = LoginServer.Instance.Conf.Login.StartXCity3; y = LoginServer.Instance.Conf.Login.StartYCity3; z = LoginServer.Instance.Conf.Login.StartZCity3; break; // ... } vs var startingCity = (StartingCity)packet.GetInt(); var data = LoginServer.Instance.Data.StartingCitys.Find(startingCity); map = data.Map; x = data.X; y = data.Y; z = data.Z;
  10. Laziness! =) You're right, we don't have to load everything, in the beginning there simple were only 1-2 dbs, and the login server needed all as well. Servers alone won't cut it though. We also need jobs, items, maps, and barracks, at the very least, for sanity checks. You can see which ones are currently used, by searching the login server project for "loginserver.instance.data."
  11. I'm just remembering, I actually had that problem before I reconfigured the keys, in the very beginning. I'm using a QWERTZ keyboard, where Y and Z are switched. Attack is supposed to be Z (Y on my keyboard), but neither worked. It did work after I corrected the attack hotkey and removed the other one.
  12. I'm not pleased with my public progress on Aura and Melia lately .__. This will change right now!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. exec


      Try to get back to it =)

    3. xeroplz


      I shall :o I think it was mostly bug fixes that needed to be done... and a completely working grapple shot

    4. Miro


      I haven't had any progress in quite a long time now :P

  13. Does that happen with every monster? On every map? What about bare handed?
  14. Works fine for me, did you select mouse mode in the settings?
  15. exec

    TOS Mechanics

    This project will surely come in handy. https://github.com/vyne1/tos-mechanics
  16. Skills aren't working yet. What do you mean by you can't attack monsters, what's happening exactly?
  17. exec

    Exec Plz read.

    We can't share any client files on this forum, as it would infringe on IMC's copyright. You'll have to find some other source.
  18. Check your config.xml to make sure the URL to the server list is correctly pointing to Melia's web server.
  19. If you get the message that there's a new patch, you have to patch your client. Just go into the patch folder inside the release folder and run the tos.exe. However, Zemyna KR hasn't been updated in a while, as we're focused on the international version, so I don't know if it will even still work. If there's demand for it, I'll update the KR versions of Zemyna and PaleTree again. Keep in mind that Melia will only work with the international client. Please ask future questions regarding Zemyna in the Zemyna thread, as they aren't directly related to Melia.
  20. exec


    Welcome~ I feel like we'd need someone who's able to moderate and provide support for any non-English section. If someone wants to apply for that position for any language, feel free to contact me. Though this person should be able to speak both languages (non-English and English) well enough for conversations about the forum, and they should have some technical knowledge, including some about the project(s), so they can provide basic support. Google Translate:
  21. exec

    how to do somenthing

    We are still working on skills, you can't use any yet.
  22. exec


    Your client.xml is wrong, correct the ports.
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