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Everything posted by Miro

  1. Granted, but there will be a solar flare which wipes out all computers. I wish for more sun like the past few weeks in the netherlands
  2. Granted, but you will still make less than you do now. I wish for a longer vacation
  3. alternatively, try pressing the "admin button" from the mysql service in xammp
  4. Alternatively, you can right click on the executable, click "Create Shortcut", go into the properties of the shortcut (right click->properties) and add -SERVICE at the end of the path
  5. Granted, but you will be the only person in the universe. I wish to get an new graphics card
  6. I've been quite busy with black desert online luckily
  7. Granted, but the wish will only work on frog-related wishes. I wish for a crate of beer.
  8. Granted, But it will be a harem for someone you hate. I wish for unlimited money
  9. Granted, But exec will stop working on aura because he spends all his time with me. I wish that everyone has a nice christmas
  10. NA nexon has improved a lot imo, more interaction, better support, more professional websites, frequent updates/events, lots of forum events. EU nexon.. Besides hating most of the EU playerbase in any eu server spamming global chats in their own languages, the sites seemed quite old and we all know how the "update" schedule was there.. Don't know about their support system etc, but for me it just seems/seemed that nexon EU doesn't quite know what they're doing
  11. Eu nexon is 10x as horrible as na nexon though
  12. Miro

    Item upgrades

    is LancePiercing the official name for piercing? because the pierce effects work on any weapon that already has at least 1 level of pierce
  13. IGN: Miro Class: Cleric Server: Laima
  14. Granted, but you will be deaf. I wish for an uncorrupted wish!
  15. Miro

    2015 and Games

    Even though i don't have a wii u.. Zelda wii u :k
  16. Granted, but they will be corrupted. I wish for fun games to play
  17. Miro

    Windows 10

    I've had it for 3 or so months on my main pc now.
  18. B|

    1. Cryptic


      lol why doesn't that come up on the main page?


    2. Miro
    3. exec


      I guess because the main page doesn't display images.

  19. Granted, but he won't be able to code anymore. I wish for a pack of chocolate chip cookies
  20. Granted, But it won't boot up I wish for black desert online in EU/NA.
  21. I'd definately say that C++ and C# are your best bet for game development. C++ is (arguably) faster if used correctly, and is the dominating language in AAA game development. With c++ it can be a bit easier to get into low-level stuff, however, c++ can be harder for beginners to start with. C# is more dominating in the indie field, since its easier (and faster to write) than C++ code, however, It might come at a performance decrease and its pretty Windows-specific. With c# going opensource (this is happening right?) and Mono, It's more cross platform than it was a few years ago. I'd say c# is still relatively a new language. It's pretty much down to preference and your goal in what language you want to choose (Do you want to be an optimization madman and have the fastest running raytracer? Try c++, Do you just want to make a fun game, Even if MIGHT be lower performance than it could be in c++ (or assembly, we all love assemly do we?), choose C#). If you really don't know yet, I'd suggest starting with C# to understand how programming works, then moving to c++. Doing c++ or an web language like php first would work too, Again, it's all down to preference.
  22. Granted, But you are the only one the rest of the world has war with. I wish for BAKA.
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