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Thunderbro last won the day on March 2 2024

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  1. In this post we will learn all the different parts of how an NPC's XML file is constructed in order to help create custom XMLs for NPCs. <portraitAnimation image="NPCportrait_Makenna.dds"> This line is the most obvious, it needs to match the file name. On that same note because of how these files are loaded, it is based on the filename. For the custom Makenna NPC portrait to appear in game, you'll need to name the file NPCportrait_Makenna.dds. This name will be dependent on the NPC's name. For example, internally Nora is _nora, this is set in NPCInfo.XML, without the underscore in the name, that file is fairly self-explanatory. For this example, the NPC's name in that file is _makenna. <clipInformations number='15'> <clipInformation x1=" 0" y1=" 0" x2=" 384" y2=" 512" originX=" 0" originY=" 0" /> <clipInformation x1=" 134" y1=" 123" x2=" 123" y2=" 260" originX=" 134" originY=" 123" /> <clipInformation x1=" 386" y1=" 0" x2=" 511" y2=" 62" originX=" 134" originY=" 123" /> <clipInformation x1=" 386" y1=" 64" x2=" 511" y2=" 126" originX=" 134" originY=" 123" /> <clipInformation x1=" 386" y1=" 255" x2=" 511" y2=" 318" originX=" 134" originY=" 123" /> <clipInformation x1=" 386" y1=" 128" x2=" 511" y2=" 189" originX=" 134" originY=" 123" /> <clipInformation x1=" 386" y1=" 191" x2=" 511" y2=" 253" originX=" 134" originY=" 123" /> <clipInformation x1=" 185" y1=" 210" x2=" 225" y2=" 227" originX=" 185" originY=" 210" /> <clipInformation x1=" 407" y1=" 448" x2=" 447" y2=" 465" originX=" 185" originY=" 210" /> <clipInformation x1=" 407" y1=" 469" x2=" 447" y2=" 486" originX=" 185" originY=" 210" /> <clipInformation x1=" 407" y1=" 491" x2=" 447" y2=" 508" originX=" 185" originY=" 210" /> <clipInformation x1=" 464" y1=" 425" x2=" 504" y2=" 442" originX=" 185" originY=" 210" /> <clipInformation x1=" 464" y1=" 450" x2=" 504" y2=" 467" originX=" 185" originY=" 210" /> <clipInformation x1=" 464" y1=" 471" x2=" 504" y2=" 488" originX=" 185" originY=" 210" /> <clipInformation x1=" 464" y1=" 493" x2=" 504" y2=" 510" originX=" 185" originY=" 210" /> </clipInformations> This represents the different animation frames, the very first one should be for the main body itself. <clipInformations number='15'> This value should equal the number of entries below. x1 is left most X coordinate of the chunk y1 is the top Y coordinate of the chunk x2 is the right most X coordinate of the chunk y2 is the bottom Y coordinate of the chunk originX is where on the initial left-most X coordinate of the frame the part should be layered on top of. This will be 0 for the main body. originY is where on the initial top Y coordinate of the frame the part should be layered on top of. This will be 0 for the main body. the values range from 0 to 511 (512 pixels in each direction in total). the 0 coordinates start from the top left corner of the image. <animations number='21'> <animation index='0' name='base'> <background> <clips number='1'> <clip value=" 0 " /> </clips> </background> </animation> <animation index='1' name='normal'> <background> <clips number='2'> <clip value=" 7 " /> <clip value=" 1 " /> </clips> </background> <frame index='0' duration='0.06'> <clips number='1'> <clip value=" 2 " /> </clips> </frame> <frame index='1' duration='0.15'> <clips number='1'> <clip value=" 3 " /> </clips> </frame> <frame index='2' duration='0.06'> <clips number='1'> <clip value=" 2 " /> </clips> </frame> </animation> This portion defines the chunks used for each emotion. <animations number='21'> This indicates the number of different emotions or animation values there are. <animation index='0' name='base'> This indicates the index of the animation, you will increment this by 1 for each animation you add, and this will always start from an index of 0. The name indicates the name that the client calls in scripts for the animation. The first index should always be named base, this is used for the base portrait. normal indicates the neutral expression that all NPCs have good, love, bad, and hate indicate the favor based expressions that NPCs can use automatically based on favor level. If an NPC doesn't have these, it will default to normal. Any other emotions added can have any name but the NPC script's dialogue must call it manually. <clips number='2'> This indicates the number of chunks to use for this animation (usually eyes and mouth). <clip value=" 7 " /> This indicates which clip to use from above, it starts from an index of 0, so setting this to 0 would be the main body typically. <frame index='0' duration='0.06'> <clips number='1'> <clip value=" 2 " /> </clips> </frame> <frame index='1' duration='0.15'> <clips number='1'> <clip value=" 3 " /> </clips> </frame> <frame index='2' duration='0.06'> <clips number='1'> <clip value=" 2 " /> </clips> </frame> This is used for animating chunks, usually the eyes. <frame index='0' duration='0.06'> index selects which part should be animated from the above list of indexes in `clip`. duration is how long this specific frame of animation plays You will iterate index by 1 for each additional frame of animation you use. I recommend keeping the duration and number of frames the same for animating eyes since this is how official NPCs are animated and will give the desired blink effect. <clips number='1'> the number of clips to use for the frame. I've never seen this set to more than 1, but technically you should be able to animate multiple parts at once. <clip value=" 2 " /> Indicates the chunk used for this frame of animation, 2 should be her eyes half closed chunk and 3 should be fully closed. 1 would also be her normal eyes fully opened, which we set above, when it isn't animating, it will use that chunk instead. And that's about all there is to this file, aside from the usual XML syntax. If there are any further questions about how these files work, please feel free to ask questions here.
  2. Thunderbro

    5 years later

    I hate to break it to you, but it wasn't the fifth anniversary, it was the sixth anniversary.
  3. Wish granted, Incineroar is your boyfriend, but he incinerates you and you die. I wish I knew what to wish for.
  4. I haven't played Terraria in quite awhile, but this mod looks pretty neat.
  5. Wish granted, but the code quality goes downhill. I wish for a feature complete Aura.
  6. Granted, but there are now less days in a week. I wish for a sequel to Sonic Mania.
  7. Wish granted, but you're going to be paid minimum wage. I wish to finish my homework.
  8. Thunderbro


    Since you mentioned it, I'd like to say that I personally really like how you do criticize pull requests. I know I'm not the best coder ever and there have been a few times where it did take awhile to get my pull request all fixed up to be ready to be added to the master, but it keeps everything in the master unified and keeps the code clean and I have found the criticisms in said pull requests to be very helpful. Although I wouldn't be surprised if the constant formatting errors I used to have in my code was annoying.
  9. The only game I know of that was developed in Java (aside from tiny student projects) is Minecraft. Its definitely good to learn since its still widely used in the industry, but its not normally used for game development, most of the time games seem to be coded in C++ or C#. Although if you know either of those languages, learning Java would not be that hard honestly.
  10. Thunderbro


    I don't really follow Maplestory server emulators, was that a project you were working on Exec?
  11. Thunderbro


    Oh boy, fancy.
  12. For future reference I will be leaving any metadata information that I find here. MetaData1 ============================================================================= 12025 - Wedding Ring BRDNAM:s:Spouse;GRMNAM:s:Thunderbro;MRGID:s:1000000004cffa&10000000025d76@39e0a7a8a005;MRGSTR:s:wedding message; 61001 - Score Scroll AUTHOR:s:Thunderbro;BRDSNG:4:1;HIDDEN:1:0;LEVEL:2:9;SCORE:s:2958%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;TITLE:s:Border of Life; I will update this post if I find anything else.
  13. Thunderbro

    Hello All

    Hello, and welcome!
  14. Thunderbro

    Hi, I'm Fish

    Hello, and welcome Fish.
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