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Posts posted by exec

  1. 11 hours ago, huenato said:

    I asked that because the stats are repeating for each job on job data.

    Ah, you're absolutely right, that is a little redundant. Could there be any situation where we might need that? I haven't played the game enough to know.

  2. On 5/8/2016 at 7:46 PM, huenato said:

    Different classes have different initial stats like HP, SP, Phy Atk, Magic Atk, etc, on level 1.

    Yes, but why separate that from the actual job data?

    Btw, I think we shouldn't create base stats for everything, but only for stats that actually have a base value. For example, weight is completely calculated to my knowledge. You may check the client data for formulas.

  3. That was added before iCBT2 when there were no different starting towns yet. Since the client had those values for every job I assumed you were eventually meant to start in different cities based on your job. You're right, that code is obsolete now. Adding it to a conf file, like login, would be one option, another would be to create a db, in case more starting cities are added at some point. If there were like 8 starting places, having them in a db would make for much cleaner code.

    Exaggerated example:

    var startingCity = (StartingCity)packet.GetInt();
      case StartingCity.City1:
        map = LoginServer.Instance.Conf.Login.StartMapCity1;
        x = LoginServer.Instance.Conf.Login.StartXCity1;
        y = LoginServer.Instance.Conf.Login.StartYCity1;
        z = LoginServer.Instance.Conf.Login.StartZCity1;
      case StartingCity.City2:
        map = LoginServer.Instance.Conf.Login.StartMapCity2;
        x = LoginServer.Instance.Conf.Login.StartXCity2;
        y = LoginServer.Instance.Conf.Login.StartYCity2;
        z = LoginServer.Instance.Conf.Login.StartZCity2;
      case StartingCity.City3:
        map = LoginServer.Instance.Conf.Login.StartMapCity3;
        x = LoginServer.Instance.Conf.Login.StartXCity3;
        y = LoginServer.Instance.Conf.Login.StartYCity3;
        z = LoginServer.Instance.Conf.Login.StartZCity3;
      // ...


    var startingCity = (StartingCity)packet.GetInt();
    var data = LoginServer.Instance.Data.StartingCitys.Find(startingCity);
    map = data.Map;
    x = data.X;
    y = data.Y;
    z = data.Z;


  4. 4 hours ago, huenato said:

    Why load data like items, jobs, maps, etc?

    Laziness! =) You're right, we don't have to load everything, in the beginning there simple were only 1-2 dbs, and the login server needed all as well. Servers alone won't cut it though. We also need jobs, items, maps, and barracks, at the very least, for sanity checks. You can see which ones are currently used, by searching the login server project for "loginserver.instance.data."

  5. I'm just remembering, I actually had that problem before I reconfigured the keys, in the very beginning. I'm using a QWERTZ keyboard, where Y and Z are switched. Attack is supposed to be Z (Y on my keyboard), but neither worked. It did work after I corrected the attack hotkey and removed the other one.

  6. This project will surely come in handy.



    This guide is a collection of useful information for the game Tree of Savior. To open the guide right click on ToS Mechanics.pdf and click Save link as... Version history and future TODOs can be found in their respective txt files. You can discuss the guide or contact me for any reason on the official forum thread or through private message. Enjoy!


    • Like 2
  7. If you get the message that there's a new patch, you have to patch your client. Just go into the patch folder inside the release folder and run the tos.exe. However, Zemyna KR hasn't been updated in a while, as we're focused on the international version, so I don't know if it will even still work. If there's demand for it, I'll update the KR versions of Zemyna and PaleTree again. Keep in mind that Melia will only work with the international client.

    Please ask future questions regarding Zemyna in the Zemyna thread, as they aren't directly related to Melia.

  8. Welcome~

    I feel like we'd need someone who's able to moderate and provide support for any non-English section. If someone wants to apply for that position for any language, feel free to contact me. Though this person should be able to speak both languages (non-English and English) well enough for conversations about the forum, and they should have some technical knowledge, including some about the project(s), so they can provide basic support.

    Google Translate:


    Siento como que íbamos a necesitar a alguien que es capaz de moderar y dar apoyo a cualquier zona de no-Inglés. Si alguien quiere solicitar esa posición para cualquier idioma, no dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo. A pesar de que esta persona debe ser capaz de hablar dos idiomas (no-Inglés e Inglés) lo suficientemente bien como para mantener conversaciones sobre el foro, y deben tener algunos conocimientos técnicos, incluyendo algunas sobre el proyecto (s), para que puedan proporcionar algún soporte básico.


  9. Please create a new topic for a new problem, so it's easier for others to find a solution should they have the same issues. I've split off your post from the other thread.

    You should be able to equip swords and armors just fine, what exactly is the problem?

  10. 7 minutes ago, ace7580 said:

    man your doing better than me i get this far 

    Looks like you skipped step 4.

    8 hours ago, lehaxe said:

    I don't undestand, can't connect in server

    You are able to connect to the login server and create characters though, yes? What exactly happens?

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