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Posts posted by Cryptic

  1. 5 hours ago, exec said:

    I wonder about that. It might be different now, but for the first half of Mabi EU's lifespan I was generally pleased with them. It was still Nexon of course, but it wasn't that bad. It was better than my experience with Nexon NA before that.

    Was there a specific experience that stood out like this one? :o

  2. So I got some items that have those & more. Most items have additional upgrades, and none have info for the second string o.o

    If you need anymore info, let me know.

    Mana Consumption


    005 [................] String : WU:s:00000003000000;
    006 [................] String : 

    Chain Casting/Magic Attack


    005 [................] String : EHLV:4:5;MTWR:1:1;OWNER:s:username;WU:s:30201400000015;
    006 [................] String : 

    Casting Speed/Magic Attack


    005 [................] String : EHLV:4:5;MTWR:1:1;OWNER:s:username;WU:s:00000000000c10;
    006 [................] String : 

    Music Buff Bonus/Music Buff Duration


    005 [................] String : MBB:4:8;MBD:4:10;MTWR:1:2;OTU:1:1;SPTEC:1:1;
    006 [................] String : 



    005 [................] String : DPSL:4:1;EHLV:4:5;LKUP:8:262244;MTWR:1:1;OWNER:s:username;POISON:2:0;POISONDURABILITY:4:0;
    006 [................] String : 

    I have no idea why there's poison in there. Perhaps I applied poison to it before?

    • Like 1
  3. I kinda agree with this. The game doesn't (as far as I have played) have any type of co-op encouragement. I remember when I first played mabi after beta. It was the things I did with others that really stood out. If it weren't for people helping me out when I first joined, I would have never kept playing mabi.

    • Like 1
  4. Hmm.. I really don't play too many other games, but isn't there that mobile pokemon game coming out? I kinda want to try that out. As for new games that have been released this year... well I enjoy playing Rocket League with a few friends.

  5. I had a thread that consisted of small random contributions before the "hiatus". Basically anything random/small you happen to log - just post below.

    • Like 1
  6. Info Links

    Basic Info

    The kids will appear from 7am-9pm (they seem to appear/disappear one by one at those times), and during that time you can talk to the teacher about teaching the skills. I'll attempt to log this event daily (granted I remember). You can do the event every Erinn day!


    Pop-Up Teacher

    SetFace(skinColor: 15, eyeType: 6, eyeColor: 0, mouthType: 17);
    SetLocation(1, 2641, 30923, 7);
    EquipItem(Pocket.Face, 3900, 0x00F79725, 0x000CB64E, 0x0052C7D8);
    EquipItem(Pocket.Hair, 3019, 0x00211C39, 0x00211C39, 0x00211C39);
    EquipItem(Pocket.Armor, 15351, 0x00211C39, 0x00FFFF00, 0x00CC3333);
    EquipItem(Pocket.Shoe, 17138, 0x00424563, 0x00C61400, 0x00000000);
    EquipItem(Pocket.LeftHand1, 40469, 0x00808080, 0x00808080, 0x00808080);

    Pop-Up Students M

    SetBody(height: 0f);
    SetFace(skinColor: 15, eyeColor: 0);
    SetLocation(1, 3166, 30731, 126);
    EquipItem(Pocket.Face, 4900, 0x0051B4B0, 0x006EB85B, 0x00F39E34);
    EquipItem(Pocket.Hair, 4111, 0x005A4D8C, 0x005A4D8C, 0x005A4D8C);
    EquipItem(Pocket.Armor, 15574, 0x00993300, 0x00B29618, 0x00CF890B);
    EquipItem(Pocket.Shoe, 17940, 0x005A4D8C, 0x008D5AB2, 0x007B1A5E);
    SetBody(height: 0f);
    SetFace(skinColor: 15, eyeType: 363, eyeColor: 0, mouthType: 16);
    SetLocation(1, 3169, 31141, 126);
    EquipItem(Pocket.Face, 4900, 0x00686168, 0x0057793F, 0x001C4607);
    EquipItem(Pocket.Hair, 4026, 0x00C61400, 0x00C61400, 0x00C61400);
    EquipItem(Pocket.Armor, 15574, 0x00993300, 0x00B29618, 0x00CF890B);
    EquipItem(Pocket.Shoe, 17940, 0x005A4D8C, 0x008D5AB2, 0x007B1A5E);
    EquipItem(Pocket.Head, 18306, 0x00B29618, 0x00C6794A, 0x00FFFFFF);
    SetBody(height: 0f);
    SetFace(skinColor: 15, eyeType: 129, eyeColor: 54, mouthType: 115);
    SetLocation(1, 3132, 31065, 126);
    EquipItem(Pocket.Face, 4900, 0x00FAB759, 0x00D7DDF1, 0x00019B48);
    EquipItem(Pocket.Hair, 4004, 0x008ECA84, 0x008ECA84, 0x008ECA84);
    EquipItem(Pocket.Armor, 15574, 0x00993300, 0x00B29618, 0x00CF890B);
    EquipItem(Pocket.Shoe, 17940, 0x005A4D8C, 0x008D5AB2, 0x007B1A5E);
    EquipItem(Pocket.Head, 18306, 0x00B29618, 0x00C6794A, 0x00FFFFFF);

    Pop-Up Students F

    SetBody(height: 0f);
    SetFace(skinColor: 15, eyeType: 264, eyeColor: 0, mouthType: 17);
    SetLocation(1, 3207, 30984, 126);
    EquipItem(Pocket.Face, 3900, 0x00F49C3A, 0x00F0A13D, 0x00AA917E);
    EquipItem(Pocket.Hair, 3126, 0x002D7B3C, 0x002D7B3C, 0x002D7B3C);
    EquipItem(Pocket.Armor, 15575, 0x00FFCCCC, 0x00663300, 0x00FF3399);
    EquipItem(Pocket.Shoe, 17941, 0x007B2C10, 0x00FFFF66, 0x00893021);
    SetBody(height: 0f);
    SetFace(skinColor: 15, eyeType: 0, eyeColor: 0, mouthType: 24);
    SetLocation(1, 3126, 31259, 126);
    EquipItem(Pocket.Face, 3900, 0x00B6D76D, 0x002078BD, 0x00FEE6D9);
    EquipItem(Pocket.Hair, 3045, 0x009C5D42, 0x009C5D42, 0x009C5D42);
    EquipItem(Pocket.Armor, 15575, 0x00FFCCCC, 0x00663300, 0x00FF3399);
    EquipItem(Pocket.Shoe, 17941, 0x00CC99FF, 0x00FFFFFF, 0x00893021);
    EquipItem(Pocket.Head, 18306, 0x00FF99CC, 0x00EF9252, 0x00FFFFFF);
    SetBody(height: 0f);
    SetFace(skinColor: 15, eyeType: 0, eyeColor: 0, mouthType: 24);
    SetLocation(1, 3127, 30863, 126);
    EquipItem(Pocket.Face, 3900, 0x0060B756, 0x002F6A5D, 0x00FCF7AE);
    EquipItem(Pocket.Hair, 3045, 0x009C5D42, 0x009C5D42, 0x009C5D42);
    EquipItem(Pocket.Armor, 15575, 0x00FFCCCC, 0x00663300, 0x00FF3399);
    EquipItem(Pocket.Shoe, 17941, 0x00CC99FF, 0x00FFFFFF, 0x00893021);
    EquipItem(Pocket.Head, 18269, 0x005A4D8C, 0x00FF66FF, 0x00AB9AFF);

    Student NPC Text

    They all say the same messages, which are

    	"I'm feeling feisty today!",
    	"What skill are we gonna learn today?",
    	"I wish school was open all year round!",
    	"We go home when the sun sets. Otherwise our moms would scold us.",
    	"\"Do you like your mom more or dad more?\"<br/>Why do adults like to ask these stupid questions? They have<br/>to know we're just gonna say what they want to hear..."


    The log includes

    • Going through each function (Details, Exit, then Teach Lesson) (actual order is Details, Teach Lesson, Exit)
    • Doing the event with a skill I didn't know
    • Talking to the teacher after the kids leave
    • Talking to the teacher about the event after I've already done it


    What's Missing

    All quest info and of course, what is said for the skills. I personally won't be able to get them all since I don't have/use all the skills. Below, I'll keep a list of which ones we do have.

    What Skills are Logged

    You can find all logged skills in my dropbox folder.

    Download All Logged Files (in dropbox)


    It seems like any time you don't know the skill, the message is always the same (with the exception of the skill name). That's about it... feel free to leave your logs below. Thanks to DeleteIT for tab hogging giving me a backup of this post before the rollback.

    • Like 1
  7. Decided to log this while I was logging something else. The logs go in this order:

    1. NPC Chat Bubble
    2. Getting the Mushy (NPC text and acquire item info)
    3. Talking to the NPC after getting the Mushy
    4. Using the Mushy
    5. Feeding the Mushy
    6. Quest/Event info on login
    7. Talking to the NPC to complete the quest

    It's a little unorganized but better than nothing.

    The only thing missing is getting the reward box.

    maple x mabi.txt

    • Like 1
  8. You can make a tutorial on how to set up aura, as there were tutorials before. However, making it able to host for others and having them connect, I'm not sure... (correct me if I'm wrong)

    You can always join the gitter chat and ask.

    • Like 1
  9. Alright, I got most of the stuff logged. I missed a few quest infos, though you can find everything on the wiki (except for quest IDs). This is still a WIP — I'm not logging any dungeons or the dungeon NPCs, so feel free to post it here or anything else I missed!

    NPCs - Dropbox Folder - Download All
    kirito.cs (complete)
    lizbeth.cs - includes quest text
    nishida.cs - missing quest text
    devinemember.cs - includes quest text, use the heathcliff fight raw log file to get the heathcliff fight
    dungeonprogress.cs - includes quest text and quest logs
    sysadmin.cs - working item selection, most zones are coded

    Race Info

    // ---------------------------------------------
    // Snowfield Slayer Data
    // ---------------------------------------------
    Height: 1.502797-1.750338 (I guess you can round 1.5-1.8)
    Weight: 1
    Upper: 1
    Lower: 1
    CombatPower: 500
    Life: 150
    LifeMax: 150
    LifeMaxMod: 0
    LifeInjured: 150
    // ---------------------------------------------
    // White Dragon Data "SAO_WhiteDragon_Enemy"
    // ---------------------------------------------
    Race: 191539
    CP: 30000
    Life: 2000000.00 (2000000.00) / 2000000.00 (2000000.00)
    Region: 35001
    Position: 404602 / 271050
    Direction: 241
    Height: 2.00
    Color 1: 0x005A6878
    Color 2: 0x00000000
    Color 3: 0x00000000
    // ---------------------------------------------
    // Kirito Data
    // ---------------------------------------------
    Race: 191541
    CP: 1000
    Life: 2000000000.00 (2000000000.00) / 2000000000.00 (2000000000.00)
    Region: 35001
    Position: 404832 / 271077
    Direction: 48
    Skin color: 16
    Eye type: 27
    Eye color: 28
    Mouth type: 2
    Height: 0.80
    Weight: 1.00
    Upper: 1.00
    Lower: 1.00
    Color 1: 0x00808080
    Color 2: 0x00808080
    Color 3: 0x00808080
    Equipped items: (Pocket, Class, Color1, Color2, Color3)
    Face, 4909, 0x00B1D65A, 0x00B20863, 0x00842955
    Hair, 4172, 0x10000000, 0x00000033, 0x00F46D3E
    Armor, 15748, 0x001F2024, 0x00353638, 0x001E1F21
    Glove, 16195, 0x001F2024, 0x00E20180, 0x00008DB7
    Shoe, 17343, 0x001F2024, 0x000AB0E0, 0x0001A4DF
    RightHand1, 40827, 0x00292731, 0x00181818, 0x00222222
    // ---------------------------------------------
    // Heathcliff Data
    // ---------------------------------------------
    Race: 1116
    CP: 10800
    Life: 2010.00 (2010.00) / 2010.00 (2000.00)
    Region: 35011
    Position: 5262 / 55492
    Direction: 235
    Skin color: 15
    Eye type: 182
    Eye color: 126
    Mouth type: 60
    Height: 1.30
    Weight: 1.00
    Upper: 1.00
    Lower: 1.00
    Color 1: 0x00808080
    Color 2: 0x00808080
    Color 3: 0x00808080
    Equipped items: (Pocket, Class, Color1, Color2, Color3)
    Face, 210359, 0x00B1900D, 0x006F6D5A, 0x00DCAC1E
    Armor, 13170, 0x006C1818, 0x006C1818, 0x00FFFFFF
    Glove, 16950, 0x006C1818, 0x00FFFFFF, 0x00FCDAE6
    Shoe, 17640, 0x006C1818, 0x00FFFFFF, 0x0078C042
    Head, 210355, 0x009E938C, 0x00A4A218, 0x00FCA64D
    RightHand1, 40833, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x006C1818, 0x10000000
    LeftHand1, 46051, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x006C1818, 0x00AFAFB0


    Now some packets that may be useful, though I'll provide a download to my whole log file since I don't really know what all would be needed - Download

    Quest Info for daily quest
    Op: 00008CA0, Id: 00100000000844C9 //New Quest
    0001 [006000CC31CBA223] Long : 27022474772980259
    0002 [..............00] Byte : 0
    0003 [005000CC31CBA223] Long : 22518875145609763
    0004 [..............07] Byte : 7
    0005 [........000B2404] Int : 730116
    0006 [................] String : Crystallite Collecting
    0007 [................] String : Help Kirito collect Crystallite.
    0008 [................] String :
    0009 [........00000001] Int : 1
    0010 [........00011365] Int : 70501
    0011 [..............01] Byte : 1
    0012 [..............00] Byte : 0
    0013 [..............00] Byte : 0
    0014 [..............00] Byte : 0
    0015 [..............00] Byte : 0
    0016 [..............00] Byte : 0
    0017 [..............00] Byte : 0
    0018 [................] String :
    0019 [........00000000] Int : 0
    0020 [........00000000] Int : 0
    0021 [................] String : <xml npc=""/>
    0022 [................] String : QMBEXP:f:1.000000;QMBGLD:f:1.000000;QMMLVL:1:0;QMEXQE:1:1;QMMDFG:1:0;QMTS:b:true;QMMDGN:8:157625986957972903;QMMSTT:1:1;QMMTIM:8:63545778645398;QMSMEXP:f:1.000000;QMSMGLD:f:1.000000;QMAMEXP:f:1.000000;QMAMGLD:f:1.000000;QMBHDCTADD:4:0;QMGNRB:f:1.000000;
    0023 [................] String : Pick up the Crystallite that drops while Kirito attacks the dragon.
    0024 [..............01] Byte : 1
    0025 [000039CB67902996] Long : 63545778645398 (9/8/2014 1:10:45 PM)
    0026 [........000DBBA0] Int : 900000
    0027 [........00000001] Int : 1
    0028 [........00000001] Int : 1
    0029 [..............01] Byte : 1
    0030 [................] String :
    0031 [..............01] Byte : 1
    0032 [........00000000] Int : 0
    0033 [..............00] Byte : 0
    0034 [..............00] Byte : 0
    Op: 00005211, Id: 3000000000000000 //Item Appears
    0001 [005000CC31CBA233] Long : 22518875145609779
    0002 [..............01] Byte : 1
    0003 [................] Bin : 00 00 00 00 9A 13 01 00 80 80 80 00 C8 CB 71 00
    9D 72 00 00 01 00 00 00 B9 88 00 00 13 29 06 00
    04 17 04 00 00 00 8E 00 02 00 00 00
    0004 [..............01] Byte : 1
    0005 [..............00] Byte : 0
    0006 [..............00] Byte : 0
    0007 [..............01] Byte : 1
    Op: 0000526D, Id: 00100000000844C9 //Notice
    0001 [..............04] Byte : 4
    0002 [................] String : Take care of the Snowfield Slayer first!

    I think this is the snowfield slayer's attack

    Id: 1635958
    Prev Id: 0
    Hit: 1
    Max Hits: 1
    Attacker Action
    Creature: 0010F00000131A47
    Type: HardHit
    Stun: 0
    Skill Id: 50509 "TightDefenseBlow" //so it probably is
    Target: 300088B94EE23466
    Options: 0x08(UseEffect)
    X: 403883
    Y: 268290
    Prop: 0010F00000131A47

    Dragon's attack

    Id: 1648966
    Prev Id: 0
    Hit: 1
    Max Hits: 1
    Attacker Action
    Creature: 0010F00000133FFD
    Type: Hit
    Stun: 0
    Skill Id: 50505
    Target: 300088C54F0234F1
    Options: 0x08(UseEffect)
    X: 404539
    Y: 271076
    Prop: 00A188C500540001
    Target Action
    Creature: 0010F00000134026
    Type: TakeHit
    Stun: 2000
    Skill Id: CombatMastery
    Options: 0x08(FirstHit)
    Damage: 100
    ? Damage: 0
    Mana Damage?: 0
    X-Diff: 188
    Y-Diff: 1874
    Delay: 100
    Attacker: 0010F00000133FFD


    Other info
    The snowfield Slayers seem to spawn every 1:30 or so and the item 70554 drops about every 10 seconds, and doesn't drop while mobs are spawned. The reward item id is 92306 (reference Crystal Collecting WikiPage). I think that's about it for this event...

    I know this is kinda messy, so if you get confused, ask and I'll try to help


    • Like 2
  10. I've had nothing but bad experiences with games on unity though D:

    I did too, but that's because of school. I believe an approach like this would go over a lot better.

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