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Everything posted by YaibaToKen

  1. Thanks for the github link, that actually solved it for me Good point, personally, I'd probably check the wiki first when looking for something like this. Perhaps a simple entry with the link you posted?
  2. They actually ask our IP? talk about breaking the 4th wall xD
  3. True, and I noticed how everything was so much simpler back then I'd say add the spawners as custom content, along with said quests and have them only be loaded if the server has that feature enabled that way it's simply using official content that was already implemented. And if the spawners and quests follow the current used form then editing them to the server's need is easily achieved. Heck I doubled most of the spawns for some of the rarer mobs, like some of the bears xD because mob hunting shouldn't be that annoying. ##OFF TOPIC## On a different note, and I know it's completely unrelated, but I kinda wanted to know, is there an up to date list of the currently implemented skills? If not, anywhere I could post a list made by me? ##OFF TOPIC##
  4. Definitely necro. Are those Imps the same that spawn near dunbarton? If so, I actually have fun torturing them, I could try and get some of those bubbles for you.
  5. Oh god! I hope this doesn't count as necro'ing a post xD Honestly I'd vote for implementing the missing quests, as I assume those would be the easiest to deal with? As for the boss scrolls, I'd say, custom content :3 I mean I doubt anyone would farm boss monsters for them scrolls, specially taking into account the meager rewards you'd usually get (which was more than enough back in G1 actually, but power/economy creep took over).
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