No problem.
Also, here are some things from me this time.
Got quite a bit of things on these, unfortunately, but hope it'll help.
In terms of piercing:
005 [................] String : EHLV:4:5;LKUP:8:262244;LP:1:4;LP_E:1:0;OWNER:s:character;SPTRP:1:1;
006 [................] String :
005 [................] String : LP:1:1;QUAL:4:70;
006 [................] String :
In terms of ammo upgrades:
005 [................] String : GBAMAX:2:10;GBAMIN:2:10;GVBC:2:41;IGOBMB:2:5;LKUP:8:262244;MTWR:1:1;
006 [................] String :
Edit: btw, by ManaBurn, you mean MP usage reduction?