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[Linux][Debian] Melia Setup Guide


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Open your favorite SSH terminal

Please do not run Melia as root, it's just not recommended... as running Linux, this is one of the most important things to know.

1. Installation of required software

sudo apt-get install mono-devel git-core screen


2. Installing either MySQL or MariaDB (I recommend MariaDB)

sudo apt-get install mysql-server

also recommended to run to secure your mysql/mariadb server:



3. Cloning Melia repository


git clone https://github.com/aura-project/melia.git


4. Compiling Melia repository


cd melia
xbuild /p:Configuration=Release Melia.sln


5. Copying required files


mkdir live
mkdir live/log/
cp bin/Release/{*.exe,*.dll,*liblua*} live
cp -r {system,sql,user,lib,log,doc} live


6. Setting up MySQL/MariaDB


mysql -u root -p
CREATE database melia;
CREATE USER 'melia'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'somepassword';

then type exit

mysql -u melia -p passwordyouset -h localhost melia < sql/main.sql


7. Editing config files


nano or vi live/conf/database.conf
// Melia
// Configuration file

host     :
user     : MySQLUSER
pass     : MySQLPASSWORD
database : melia

include "/user/conf/database.conf"
mv user/conf/database-example.conf database.conf
nano or vi /user/conf/database.conf

// Melia
// Configuration file

pass     : MySQLPASSWORD


8. Editing servers.txt


nano or vi /system/db/servers.txt
// Melia
// Database file

{ type: "Login", id: 1, ip: "", port: 2000 },
{ type: "Channel", id: 1, ip: "", port: 7000, maps: "all" },

If you're not doing this locally, edit the IP address to your WAN IP (you can get your WAN IP at http://whatismyip.com OR http://ip4.me


9. Starting Login,Channel,Web server


screen -S 'Login'
mono LoginServer.exe

Hold Ctrl+A+D to detach from the screen

screen -S 'Channel'
mono ChannelServer.exe

Hold Ctrl+A+D to detach from the screen

screen -S 'Web'
mono WebServer.exe

Hold Ctrl+A+D to detach from the screen


And you're done! I will make the guide look better later on.

Edited by Keith
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4 hours ago, Zira said:

Error on compiling.

MSBUILD: error MSBUILD0004: Too many project files specified

Did you enter the xbuild line exactly as described? That error suggests that you have a parameter xbuild doesn't recognize, which from what I can gather makes it assume you're specifying multiple projects files, when it only supports one, or something like that.

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yes i did follow the instruction. it worked once on a clean copy. then i get the error upon recompiling.

* glad the guide has been updated. but it's still missing the log folder.


5. Copying required files

mkdir live
cp bin/Release/{*.exe,*.dll,*liblua*} live
cp -r {system,sql,user,lib,log,doc} live

* need to "mkdir log" inside live folder.



Edited by Zira
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Sorry, didn't realize I missed that

On 5/31/2016 at 1:51 AM, Zira said:

yes i did follow the instruction. it worked once on a clean copy. then i get the error upon recompiling.

* glad the guide has been updated. but it's still missing the log folder.


5. Copying required files

mkdir live
cp bin/Release/{*.exe,*.dll,*liblua*} live
cp -r {system,sql,user,lib,log,doc} live

* need to "mkdir log" inside live folder.




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