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Dual Gun Skill Research


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So I'm currently working on Dual Gun skills, and they're going quite well, except for two of them specifically.

1. Bullet Storm

2. Grapple Shot

At the moment when each of these two skills "completes" they lock the character from using skills. I've been looking into it, but I can't seem to find any answers at the moment, so I'm putting it here in case anyone sees something I'm doing wrong. For now I'm just going to focus on Bullet Storm, as solving the problem there will most likely solve the problem for Grapple Shot as well.

Here's a log of Bullet Storm: Bullet Storm - 218.txt

And my current example of Bullet Storm if you're interested.


// Copyright (c) Aura development team - Licensed under GNU GPL
// For more information, see license file in the main folder

using Aura.Channel.Network.Sending;
using Aura.Channel.Skills.Base;
using Aura.Channel.Skills.Magic;
using Aura.Channel.Skills.Combat;
using Aura.Channel.World;
using Aura.Channel.World.Entities;
using Aura.Data.Database;
using Aura.Mabi.Const;
using Aura.Mabi.Network;
using Aura.Shared.Network;
using Aura.Shared.Util;
using System.Drawing;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Aura.Channel.Skills.Guns
	/// <summary>
	/// Bullet Storm skill handler
	/// </summary>
	/// Var1: Initial Bullet Use
	/// Var2: Damage Per Shot
	/// Var5: Max Targets
	/// Var6: Attack Spread (Width)
	/// Var7: Attack Range (Length)
	/// Var8: Maximum Damage
	public class BulletStorm : ISkillHandler, IPreparable, IReadyable, IUseable, ICancelable
		/// <summary>
		/// Bullet Count Tag for Gun
		/// </summary>
		private const string BulletCountTag = "GVBC";

		/// <summary>
		/// Max Bullets for Gun
		/// </summary>
		private const string BulletsMaxTag = "BulletsMax";

		/// <summary>
		/// Attacker's stun upon using the skill
		/// </summary>
		private const int AttackerStun = 0;

		/// <summary>
		/// Target's stun after getting hit
		/// </summary>
		private const int TargetStun = 4000;

		/// <summary>
		/// Distance target gets knocked back
		/// </summary>
		private const int KnockbackDistance = 200;

		/// <summary>
		/// Target's stability reduction
		/// </summary>
		private const int StabilityReduction = 10;

		/// <summary>
		/// Prepares the skill
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="creature"></param>
		/// <param name="skill"></param>
		/// <param name="packet"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public bool Prepare(Creature creature, Skill skill, Packet packet)
			if (creature.RightHand == null)
				Send.SkillPrepareSilentCancel(creature, skill.Info.Id);

			// Set Bullet Count Tag if it doesn't exist
			if (!creature.RightHand.MetaData1.Has(BulletCountTag))
				creature.RightHand.MetaData1.SetShort(BulletCountTag, 0);
				Send.ItemUpdate(creature, creature.RightHand);

			// Check Bullet Count
			var bulletCount = creature.RightHand.MetaData1.GetShort(BulletCountTag);
			if (bulletCount < skill.RankData.Var1 && !creature.Conditions.Has(ConditionsD.WayOfTheGun))
				Send.SkillPrepareSilentCancel(creature, skill.Info.Id);

			creature.Lock(Locks.Walk | Locks.Run);
			Send.UseMotion(creature, 131, 2, false, false);

			/* Removed Until Further Notice */
			var unkPacket = new Packet(0x7534, creature.EntityId); //?
			creature.Region.Broadcast(unkPacket, creature);

			Send.SkillPrepare(creature, skill.Info.Id, skill.GetCastTime());

			return true;

		/// <summary>
		/// Readies the skill
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="creature"></param>
		/// <param name="skill"></param>
		/// <param name="packet"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public bool Ready(Creature creature, Skill skill, Packet packet)
			skill.Stacks = 1;
			Send.SkillReady(creature, skill.Info.Id);

			return true;

		/// <summary>
		/// Uses the skill
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="creature"></param>
		/// <param name="skill"></param>
		/// <param name="packet"></param>
		public void Use(Creature attacker, Skill skill, Packet packet)
			var targetAreaId = packet.GetLong();
			var targetAreaLoc = new Location(targetAreaId);
			var targetAreaPos = new Position(targetAreaLoc.X, targetAreaLoc.Y);

			var attackerPos = attacker.GetPosition();

			// Distance & Radius
			var distance = skill.RankData.Var7;
			var radius = skill.RankData.Var6;

			var attackerToTargetPointDist = attackerPos.GetDistance(targetAreaPos);
			var newTargetPosition = attackerPos.GetRelative(targetAreaPos, (int)(distance - attackerToTargetPointDist)); // Get position for use of true rectangle distance

			attacker.StopMove(); // Unnecessary at the moment, but who knows.

			// Note: Add BulletDist later.

			// Center Points Calculation
			var attackerPoint = new Point(attackerPos.X, attackerPos.Y);
			var targetPoint = new Point(newTargetPosition.X, newTargetPosition.Y);

			var pointDist = Math.Sqrt((distance * distance) + (radius * radius)); // Pythagorean Theorem - Distance between point and opposite side's center.
			var rotationAngle = Math.Asin(radius / pointDist);

			// Calculate Points 1 & 2
			var posTemp1 = attackerPos.GetRelative(newTargetPosition, (int)(pointDist - distance));
			var pointTemp1 = new Point(posTemp1.X, posTemp1.Y);
			var p1 = this.RotatePoint(pointTemp1, attackerPoint, rotationAngle);
			var p2 = this.RotatePoint(pointTemp1, attackerPoint, (rotationAngle * -1));

			// Calculate Points 3 & 4
			var posTemp2 = newTargetPosition.GetRelative(attackerPos, (int)(pointDist - distance));
			var pointTemp2 = new Point(posTemp2.X, posTemp2.Y);
			var p3 = this.RotatePoint(pointTemp2, targetPoint, rotationAngle);
			var p4 = this.RotatePoint(pointTemp2, targetPoint, (rotationAngle * -1));

			// DEBUG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
			var prop1 = new Prop(24830, attacker.Region.Id, p1.X, p1.Y, 1);
			var prop2 = new Prop(24830, attacker.Region.Id, p2.X, p2.Y, 1);
			var prop3 = new Prop(24830, attacker.Region.Id, p3.X, p3.Y, 1);
			var prop4 = new Prop(24830, attacker.Region.Id, p4.X, p4.Y, 1);
			// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

			// Prepare attacker action
			var cap = new CombatActionPack(attacker, skill.Info.Id);

			var aAction = new AttackerAction(CombatActionType.SpecialHit, attacker, targetAreaId);
			aAction.Set(AttackerOptions.UseEffect | AttackerOptions.KnockBackHit1);

			aAction.Stun = AttackerStun;

			// Get targets in descending order for effect packet using bulletDist
			var targets = attacker.Region.GetCreaturesInPolygon(p1, p2, p3, p4).Where(x => attacker.CanTarget(x)).OrderByDescending(x => x.GetPosition().GetDistance(attackerPos)).Reverse().ToList();

			// Filter by max targets [var5] and bullet count
			var bulletCount = attacker.RightHand.MetaData1.GetShort(BulletCountTag);

			if (attacker.Conditions.Has(ConditionsD.WayOfTheGun))
				bulletCount = attacker.RightHand.MetaData1.GetShort(BulletsMaxTag);

			var maxTargetsBulletCount = (int)Math.Floor((decimal)(bulletCount / 4));

			if (maxTargetsBulletCount < skill.RankData.Var5)
				targets = targets.Take(maxTargetsBulletCount).ToList();
			else if (maxTargetsBulletCount >= skill.RankData.Var5)
				targets = targets.Take((int)skill.RankData.Var5).ToList();

			// Effects & Etc
			Send.Effect(attacker, 231, (byte)0);

			var shootEffect = new Packet(Op.Effect, attacker.EntityId);
			var bulletDist = -380;
			var totalDelay = 0;

			Send.Effect(attacker, 335, (byte)1, (byte)1, (short)131, (short)targets.Count, 1140, (byte)2, (short)433, (short)1133);
			Send.UseMotion(attacker, 131, 3, true, false);

			// Prepare target actions
			foreach (var target in targets)
				var tAction = new TargetAction(CombatActionType.TakeHit, target, attacker, SkillId.CombatMastery);
				tAction.Set(TargetOptions.Result | TargetOptions.MultiHit);
				tAction.AttackerSkillId = skill.Info.Id;
				tAction.MultiHitDamageCount = 4;
				tAction.MultiHitDamageShowTime = 95;
				tAction.MultiHitUnk1 = 0;
				tAction.MultiHitUnk2 = 421075482;

				/// Damage is calculated as (Skill Rank Damage per Target [var2 (for 4 bullets?)] * Number of Targets)
				/// However, if the target count >= 5, damage is set to max damage [var8].
				var damage = 0f;
				if (targets.Count >= 5)
					damage = (attacker.GetRndDualGunDamage() * (skill.RankData.Var8 / 100f));
					damage = (attacker.GetRndDualGunDamage() * (skill.RankData.Var2 / 100f)) * targets.Count; // Is 4 bullets needed? Damage Per Shot can be taken in many ways...

				// Master Title

				// Critical Hit
				var dgm = attacker.Skills.Get(SkillId.DualGunMastery);
				var extraCritChance = (dgm == null ? 0 : dgm.RankData.Var6);
				var critchance = attacker.GetRightCritChance(target.Protection) + extraCritChance;
				CriticalHit.Handle(attacker, critchance, ref damage, tAction);

				// Defense and Prot
				SkillHelper.HandleDefenseProtection(target, ref damage);

				// Defense (Skill)
				Defense.Handle(aAction, tAction, ref damage);

				// Mana Shield
				ManaShield.Handle(target, ref damage, tAction);

				// Apply Damage
				target.TakeDamage(tAction.Damage = damage, attacker);

				// Aggro

				// Stun Time
				tAction.Stun = TargetStun;

				// Death or Knockback
				if (target.IsDead)
					attacker.Shove(target, KnockbackDistance);
					// Reduce Stability if not knocked down
					if (!target.IsKnockedDown)
						target.Stability -= StabilityReduction;

					// Knock down if needed
					if (target.IsUnstable)
						if (target.Is(RaceStands.KnockDownable))
							attacker.Shove(target, KnockbackDistance);
					else if (target.Is(RaceStands.KnockBackable)) // Always knock back
						attacker.Shove(target, KnockbackDistance);
					tAction.Creature.Stun = tAction.Stun;

				bulletDist += 380;
				totalDelay += 380;
				tAction.Delay = bulletDist;

				System.Threading.Timer t = null;
				t = new System.Threading.Timer(_ =>
				}, null, bulletDist, System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite);
			aAction.Creature.Stun = aAction.Stun;

			Send.SkillUse(attacker, skill.Info.Id, targetAreaId, 0, 1);
			skill.Stacks = 0;
			attacker.Region.Broadcast(shootEffect, attacker);

			// Item Update excluding Way Of The Gun
			if (!attacker.Conditions.Has(ConditionsD.WayOfTheGun))
				bulletCount -= (short)(targets.Count * 4);
				attacker.RightHand.MetaData1.SetShort(BulletCountTag, bulletCount);
				Send.ItemUpdate(attacker, attacker.RightHand);

			System.Threading.Timer t2 = null;
			t2 = new System.Threading.Timer(_ =>
				Send.UseMotion(attacker, 131, 4, false, false);
			}, null, totalDelay, System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite);

			this.Complete(attacker, skill, packet);

		/// <summary>
		/// Completes the skill
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="creature"></param>
		/// <param name="skill"></param>
		/// <param name="packet"></param>
		public void Complete(Creature creature, Skill skill, Packet packet)
			Send.SkillComplete(creature, skill.Info.Id);

			creature.Unlock(Locks.Walk | Locks.Run);

			var unkPacket1 = new Packet(0xA43B, creature.EntityId); //?
			creature.Region.Broadcast(unkPacket1, creature);

		/// <summary>
		/// Cancels the skill
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="creature"></param>
		/// <param name="skill"></param>
		public void Cancel(Creature creature, Skill skill)
			Send.MotionCancel2(creature, 0);
			creature.Unlock(Locks.Walk | Locks.Run);

		private Point RotatePoint(Point point, Point pivot, double radians)
			var cosTheta = Math.Cos(radians);
			var sinTheta = Math.Sin(radians);

			var x = (int)(cosTheta * (point.X - pivot.X) - sinTheta * (point.Y - pivot.Y) + pivot.X);
			var y = (int)(sinTheta * (point.X - pivot.X) + cosTheta * (point.Y - pivot.Y) + pivot.Y);

			return new Point(x, y);


If you notice anything that could be causing these issues (between the log and the code), please comment on it. I'll still be working on it though :D

If you want to test it, you'd have to clone my gun branch because there are a few core changes.


Apologies if this is in the wrong section of the forum exec :>

Edited by Petch
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Just took a quick look at the log and your handler, and some packets are out of order. For example, you're sending SkillUse after the combat handling, in the logs it's sent before. There's also quite a few effect and other packets between SkillUse and the combat action, that you don't seem to have, what's up with that?

And it's so weird that SkillComplete is sent from Use... but that's what the logs says I guess =<

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....Thank you, Exec. I think you just solved his problem. Try doing all of your complete steps in use. That's probably why you lock in place; you don't ever reach SkillComplete because the client never calls the step from the server. I noticed you force it to go to the complete structure =l 

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19 hours ago, exec said:

There's also quite a few effect and other packets between SkillUse and the combat action, that you don't seem to have, what's up with that?

If you mean effects 298 and 231, effects with that ID, they may appear multiple times but they're not part of a skill. They're lightning bolt effects created when I kill something since I'm in a family on NA.

298 and 231 will basically appear all over any skill I log with my character o_O

Edited by Petch
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