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Posts posted by DennouNeko

  1. Something random, ItemNew for the "Magic House Key" (Return Home Item) and "Return Coupon".

    Using the key starts a skill, 50003 with string ITEMID:8:(key's item ID) in SkillPrepare. Once confirmed, key gets removed, player receives Return Coupon and then warp happens.

    In case of housing it looks like same kind of warp like when entering through one of portals (warp to one of housing regions, then forced Channel Change), but for same channel I guess regular warp would work too.

    return home item.txt

    return home item return coupon.txt

    • Like 2
  2. Gonna upload these here, for future reference.

    Touching guild stone with guild level 1 (5/5 members) and 2 (5/10 members).
    20160820_193918 touch stone.txt 20160820_193918 touch stone 2.txt

    Applying to a guild (didn't have a message set at this point).
    20160820_213124 guild apply to.txt

    Nearly all stages of creating a guild robe:
    20160820_221157 guild robe fail and deny.txt 20160823_181055 guild robe cancelled.txt 20160823_181615 guild robe created.txt 20160823_181728 guild robe ItemNew.txt

    • Like 1
  3. I've been capturing the dice event. A lot... These are pretty much uncut, full logs. I've only removed the ChannelLogin packets, but you know what to expect in it and it's in same place as for any RP-like login.


    2 more, because all previous ones were with Gilgamesh.

    Edit 2:

    NPC - Appearance, Rules and shop. Coupons - stacking 3 fragments and using coupon for known title.

    I don't think it was covered by the logs, but in case that player gets 2 or more moves (due to rolling 4 or 5) and loses a minigame before using up all moves, they have to use them up before the other player can roll. Not exactly sure what happens in case of winning, but I think I got another roll before continuing.

    Uhm... This post got quite long, so hiding links in spoilers ^^;

    • Like 2
  4. Found something interesting in the running Fate/Stay Night event.

    Seems to be the way the server sends pre-defined hotkeys for RP characters, that we've seen on many occasions.
    Haven't really checked if it allows for anything more, but format seems to be similar to the xml that holds player hotkeys (except that root element is "xml" instead of "ui").

    20160720_230404 archer hotkeys.txt

    • Like 1
  5. 41 minutes ago, Talow said:

    Were there rewards at the end of dungeons for RP characters? I don't recall that.

    As far as I remember, in nearly all cases you get booted out of dungeon once it's cleared, so you never even get the chance to check for them, but made it possible mostly for the keywords.

    I've modified the Three Missing Warriors to make all players leave once dungeon is cleared, updating only the keywords and not spawning chests.

  6. Seems like dynamic regions were easier to handle than I thought... Pretty much most of necessary changes were done while working on dungeons.

    Also, managed to add RP characters to the list of creatures returned by Dungeon.GetCreators, so it should be possible now to spawn chests and (with a bit of extra excersise) add keywords for players.

    Good thing is, you don't have to worry about handling RP characters, untill SM or Dungeon is designed for Role Playing.
    Unfortunately, can't test for each and every possibility, so some issues are bound to show up later on.
    For now, gotta clean up the code a bit, add comments + intellisense and it should be all for initial functionality.

    As usual, current test script: test_commands.cs

    And as a demo, a short trip into Guild Hall as a RP character.


    • Like 2
  7. Got quite a bit work done today...
    For testing purposes added the Three Missing Warriors RP dungeon (based on commit in Sairii's G1 branch), learned a lot about cutscenes and sending them to client too early, and hopefully finished npc builder-helper class, RolePlayingNPC.
    As usual, the current working branch can be found at DennouNeko/add-role-playing.

    Right now it's actually possible to clear that dungeon, although it won't spawn chests or grant keywords to players.
    To enter it, give leader the locket (>item 73002) and drop it on Alby's altair.

    Also... The first image shows how it ends, when you forget to equip face and hair :P 


    And I have small request... I'd need to get a log of someone entering this dungeon as Mari, since I did get only Tarlach and Ruairi when playing around and need that for equipment, inventory, stat and skill updates.
    Needed packets start with first SkillInfo (shortly after ChannelLogin), and end with ChannelCharacterInfoRequestR, so you can strip the first few packets with login credentials.

    • Like 2
  8. Thought that there's no need to create separate threads with just 1 or 2 logs for random items, so here we are :P 

    Captured these while using Unrestricted Dungeon Pass. First 2 packets are right after using the pass (before dungeon selection dialog), rest is after selecting dungeon: 20160705_175007 Unrestricted pass.txt

    Edit: btw, using outside of altar yields no packets - the message is client-sided.

    Forgot I've captured this a while ago. Tin Potion: 20160612_082445 tin potion.txt

    • Like 2
  9. Well... Getting a feeling, that I should have done at least half of the code a lot better, but starting to have some working solution. There are sill some issues to fix, like RP characters aren't fully initialized and have no skills. I haven't even started working on dynamic regions so yeah... not ready for a pull request yet.

    Anyway, seems like I got a hang of starting and ending of RP sessions, even managed to modify the dungeons to account for NPC Players.

    For those interested, the branch I'm working on is at https://github.com/DennouNeko/aura/tree/add-role-playing

    Here's the script I'm currently using for testing purposes: test_commands.cs
    So yeah, if everything goes fine, it's going to be this easy to start any RP dungeon/mission.

    And now some photos :P 
    Characters are numbered, because it's the index from pre-defined list of actor templates.


    (getting Tarlach and Ruairi for this one was a pure coincidence xD)

  10. Got some heads up on the Spirit Crystal, that I've mentioned earlier.

    For starters, it's using an action (id 50045) that has a charge time, about 2s.
    It seems that it's using yet another way of controlling another character, that involves sending to client EnterDynamicRegion with mob's EntityID, some new packet (op 0x4E3A) that includes character's id and mob's id and playing around with original character + spawning extra ghost on take over.

    Also, seems like I was mistaken about the golem being a pet... Was browsing through the log to find any similarities to crystal and found ChannelLogin a bit lower than I've expected, so Golem is also an NPC, that can be roleplayed :P

    • Like 1
  11. 18 minutes ago, Talow said:

    Would it be likely they are just teleporting the characters outside the walls?

    I believe most if not all RPs start with cutscenes, which would do well to hide the teleporting taking place. But then, there's Puppetry and that Shadow Mission you've mentioned to think about now.  Maybe it's something like pet summons?

    Doesn't seem like it. I did verify the region id and coordinates from entering the 3 warriors RP dungeon with GM panel, they point to Alby lobby, that small area in front of statue, so the point that my character was standing at.
    Unlike pets and golems, RP characters and puppets are logging in as separate characters using same connection as main character, and that's confirmed.

    btw, Saga 1 ep 7 also may provide some meaningful informations, since first mission is a RP mission after single line of dialogue from NPC and it's repeatable.

  12. From what I noticed in logs so far, it seems that the main character is being somehow removed from region without being disconnected and warped to its own location (same region and coordinates) without sending EntityAppear or region updates.

    Without the first part, nearby players don't notice that the character has been hidden. At this point main character receives EntityDisappears (own) + EntitiesDisappear (rest of nearby entities).
    Without second part own client won't hide the character and often it was even freezing on me during switch.

    For now working on making and keeping the character invisible during RP. Officials rather doesn't use the GM Hide (ConditionsA.Invisible) for this, since didn't see any condition updates in logs.


    And while writing this I had an idea... In one SM (GoP, I think) there are those crystals that let you take control over mob. Will have to try and get logs of that since it seems to be semi-related to RP.

  13. Hope so, although Puppeteer skills may be a bit tricky.

    As for initializing the RP, have yet to wrap it up in a function, figure out a right way of cleaning up characters that won't be needed anymore, add few comments and guess gonna try to create a pull request. Still needs a bit of testing, once I get home, but so far it looks promissing.

  14. Got some very good news. Did some experiments and managed to switch to RP character and return from it! (Used Tarlach actor as a template for testing).

    It's a bit late at my place, but if I haven't forgotten anything, the attached files should be enough to try it out.

    rpstart command turns you into a RP character, rpend brings your back to your original body.



    Also... a result of early experiments - I was controlling the "Human", but for some reason my character didn't disappear (not mentioning both should be in Dun :P )


    • Like 2
  15. I was playing around, trying to get something entirely different, and I've started to pay attention to extra characters that client uses.

    For now got some logs from the RP dungeon (The Three Missing Warriors, done with 2 characters) and summoning a puppet.

    It seems that during RP dungeons and when summoning a puppet, server asks client to log in to a channel as a pet with specific EntityId (golems count as regular pets, according to packets :p), and account id/sesison key pair are same as when our character was logging in, although with puppet one packet seems to be missing.
    Anyway, in both cases one major difference from a regular login is that there's an extra byte at the end of ChannelLogin packet, and seems to be constant (0x0b).

    Gonna play around a bit and see if I'll manage to recreate the packet sequence on Aura.

    The notable packets sent from server (and roles that I think they play):

    RequestClientSecondaryConnect = 0x4E29;
    RequestClientStartRP = 0x902A;
    RequestClientEndRP = 0x902B;

    Edit: Also, ironically, RP characters and puppets are in NPC entity id range :P 


    • Like 2
  16. Late introductions are late... Well, hardly ever use these parts of forums, but... figured, why not?

    I'm somewhat skilled in coding, mostly C/C++, but that's enough to easily adapt to most of currently used languages, Java and C# included. Got also some skills in reverse-engineering.

    As for Mabi, I do enjoy playing on official servers, have been doing it for past 2 years by now, supporting Nexon with some money now and then.
    For me Aura is an interesting research project. Not trying to use it as a replacement for official servers or anything like that. I'm participating mostly because I'm curious how much can one figure out with quite limited informations.

    Also... unlike the character, I'm actually a male living somewhere in Europe :P 

  17. I actually have a Rebis Guard Cylinder with 1 of each :P

    005 [................] String : IM_MGC:f:0.050000;IM_MLE:f:0.050000;IM_RNG:f:0.050000;MDEF:f:2.000000;MPROT:f:3.000000;OTU:1:1;
    006 [................] String : 

    mabinogi_2016_06_13_008 rebis cylinder.jpg


    • Like 1
  18. 1 hour ago, exec said:

    Thanks guys =)

    I've explained a problem regarding what I mean in the issue. I'm actually not 100% sure what the ManaBurn upgrade is, but based on the name I assume it reduces the amount of Mana you lose when you unequip a wand. This is not on officials anymore of course, but internally that upgrade is still called ManaBurn, and my current theory is that they halfed the bonus and turned the ManaBurn upgrade into a ManaUse upgrade. I haven't had time to research that yet though.

    I see... Unfortunately don't have any good news in this case. Seems like right now both upgrades are seen by system as same type, so unless we'll find someone with reaaaaly old wand, that hasn't been converted in some way, we'll probably never know the difference...

    Anyway, results of research:

    005 [................] String : WU:s:00000003000000;
    006 [................] String : 
    Heulfryn + Lassar:
    005 [................] String : WU:s:00000007000000;
    006 [................] String : 

    mabinogi_2016_06_13_006 ice wand.jpgmabinogi_2016_06_13_007 ice wand.jpg

    Edit: It just hit me... what about that unknown part of string? Maybe that's related? After all, WU seems to be generic for WandUpgrade, so guess all upgrades would be encoded there in some way.

    Just to add to it:

    Merlin Knuckles:
    005 [................] String : MTWR:1:3;QUAL:4:100;WU:s:00000000000604;
    006 [................] String : 
    Original Sin Staff (16% redu = 10 hex):
    005 [................] String : EHLV:4:6;LKUP:8:262244;OWNER:s:character;WU:s:00000010000007;
    006 [................] String : 


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