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Posts posted by DennouNeko

  1. No problem.

    Also, here are some things from me this time.
    Got quite a bit of things on these, unfortunately, but hope it'll help.

    In terms of piercing:

    005 [................] String : EHLV:4:5;LKUP:8:262244;LP:1:4;LP_E:1:0;OWNER:s:character;SPTRP:1:1;
    006 [................] String : 
    005 [................] String : LP:1:1;QUAL:4:70;
    006 [................] String : 

    mabinogi_2016_06_13_002 lance.jpgmabinogi_2016_06_13_001 crossbow.jpg

    In terms of ammo upgrades:

    005 [................] String : GBAMAX:2:10;GBAMIN:2:10;GVBC:2:41;IGOBMB:2:5;LKUP:8:262244;MTWR:1:1;
    006 [................] String : 

    mabinogi_2016_06_13_003 sun prophet.jpg

    (by default it holds 36 bullets)

    Edit: btw, by ManaBurn, you mean MP usage reduction?

    • Like 1
  2. All of us got some time today and here are the results.

    Settings are: "Researcher" guild, Adventure, Private

    Did a dup check before trying to create it, clicked Create, after everyone accepted got another confirmation dialog, so finalized it.
    After that I was running around a bit, trying to find a spot for the guild stone, because didn't expect they have to be that far from each other xD

    Oh, and cleared the log short before using the permit, so yeah... there was no "item used" packet.

    20160612_183053 guild creation - member.txt

    20160612_183106 guild creation - leader.txt

    • Like 1
  3. You're welcome.

    There are 2 more family related packets, but for now I can post only their op... Will try to get some logs after creating a test family with alts of guildies.

    FamilyTreeRequest = 0xA9CD
    FamilyTreeRequestR = 0xA9CE

  4. I've noticed you already know about the SpecialUnitInfoRequest and SpecialUnitInfoRequestR packets that take care of obtaining the current mission list, etc. There's actually one more that sends the actual player's special unit info.

    Not sure, if these are related to any other packets, but for starters a sample of that packet from 2 characters.


    • Like 1
  5. For now just wanted to ask, if you still need the logs.

    Was considering getting short premium to get some extra info, so could ask few friends to create a test guild with alts and get some logs from their perspective.

    • Like 1
  6. Wanted to get the packet dump from rebirth, out of pure curiosity, and ended up in Iria's rebirth area.
    Got logs of talking with Vena, doing some Beginner's Archery quest from Crystall Ball and leaving the area through dialogue.

    It's a newbie Elf character on unused account that I'm using for the ptj dumps (and that captured the beginning of Avalon Gate), so I wasn't able to check something, but around bottom left corner of map there was an area that caused a lot of EventInform updates. My guess is there's something that L-rod would work on.

    Till around 07:07:26 it's rebirth (one cancelled, one regular with talking for a bit), then there's entering the rebirth area (I've noticed there are some squire related packets here).

    Iria rebirth area.zip

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  7. This probably won't get useful for quite a while, but since I've dumped it, may as well upload it.

    For now got a packet log starting with entering Avalon Gate for the very first time, listening to squire introductions, creating unit and ending with completing the special unit quest. Unfortunately, didn't have MabiPale running when creating this character, so didn't catch getting the quest itself, but guess that's something easy to get.

    Avalon Gate - creating squire unit.txt

    • Like 1
  8. Guess most should follow same, simple pattern. Those who don't will have to be either modified after generating or written from scratch anyway.

    Also, seems like Piaras says "You'd like to get a part-time job at the Inn? <br/>That's good. We are always understaffed.<br/>However, since you are still a beginner, I cannot give you full payment.<br/>But I promise to raise the pay if you perform well.<p/>Are you interested?" only when taking the quest for the very first time.
    So far he keeps repeating "Are you here for a part-time job at my Inn again?" when re-taking a ptj. Still would like to check at least the int level.

    And decided to add the dumps for Inn ptj after reading through the GitHub for a bit.


    • Like 1
  9. Welp, this is what I got so far for Tir - Inn ptj.

    It seems that the message for when Piaras is offering a job may change with the job level, but getting the higher ones may take a while. Will post an update once I get these.

    Also, not sure if that's all the necessary info for quest... Still have all the dumps if any additional info is needed.

    npc info.txt


    Basic 1.txt

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