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Tir Teacher Event


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Basic Info

The kids will appear from 7am-9pm (they seem to appear/disappear one by one at those times), and during that time you can talk to the teacher about teaching the skills. I'll attempt to log this event daily (granted I remember). You can do the event every Erinn day!


Pop-Up Teacher

SetFace(skinColor: 15, eyeType: 6, eyeColor: 0, mouthType: 17);
SetLocation(1, 2641, 30923, 7);

EquipItem(Pocket.Face, 3900, 0x00F79725, 0x000CB64E, 0x0052C7D8);
EquipItem(Pocket.Hair, 3019, 0x00211C39, 0x00211C39, 0x00211C39);
EquipItem(Pocket.Armor, 15351, 0x00211C39, 0x00FFFF00, 0x00CC3333);
EquipItem(Pocket.Shoe, 17138, 0x00424563, 0x00C61400, 0x00000000);
EquipItem(Pocket.LeftHand1, 40469, 0x00808080, 0x00808080, 0x00808080);

Pop-Up Students M

SetBody(height: 0f);
SetFace(skinColor: 15, eyeColor: 0);
SetLocation(1, 3166, 30731, 126);

EquipItem(Pocket.Face, 4900, 0x0051B4B0, 0x006EB85B, 0x00F39E34);
EquipItem(Pocket.Hair, 4111, 0x005A4D8C, 0x005A4D8C, 0x005A4D8C);
EquipItem(Pocket.Armor, 15574, 0x00993300, 0x00B29618, 0x00CF890B);
EquipItem(Pocket.Shoe, 17940, 0x005A4D8C, 0x008D5AB2, 0x007B1A5E);
SetBody(height: 0f);
SetFace(skinColor: 15, eyeType: 363, eyeColor: 0, mouthType: 16);
SetLocation(1, 3169, 31141, 126);

EquipItem(Pocket.Face, 4900, 0x00686168, 0x0057793F, 0x001C4607);
EquipItem(Pocket.Hair, 4026, 0x00C61400, 0x00C61400, 0x00C61400);
EquipItem(Pocket.Armor, 15574, 0x00993300, 0x00B29618, 0x00CF890B);
EquipItem(Pocket.Shoe, 17940, 0x005A4D8C, 0x008D5AB2, 0x007B1A5E);
EquipItem(Pocket.Head, 18306, 0x00B29618, 0x00C6794A, 0x00FFFFFF);
SetBody(height: 0f);
SetFace(skinColor: 15, eyeType: 129, eyeColor: 54, mouthType: 115);
SetLocation(1, 3132, 31065, 126);

EquipItem(Pocket.Face, 4900, 0x00FAB759, 0x00D7DDF1, 0x00019B48);
EquipItem(Pocket.Hair, 4004, 0x008ECA84, 0x008ECA84, 0x008ECA84);
EquipItem(Pocket.Armor, 15574, 0x00993300, 0x00B29618, 0x00CF890B);
EquipItem(Pocket.Shoe, 17940, 0x005A4D8C, 0x008D5AB2, 0x007B1A5E);
EquipItem(Pocket.Head, 18306, 0x00B29618, 0x00C6794A, 0x00FFFFFF);

Pop-Up Students F

SetBody(height: 0f);
SetFace(skinColor: 15, eyeType: 264, eyeColor: 0, mouthType: 17);
SetLocation(1, 3207, 30984, 126);

EquipItem(Pocket.Face, 3900, 0x00F49C3A, 0x00F0A13D, 0x00AA917E);
EquipItem(Pocket.Hair, 3126, 0x002D7B3C, 0x002D7B3C, 0x002D7B3C);
EquipItem(Pocket.Armor, 15575, 0x00FFCCCC, 0x00663300, 0x00FF3399);
EquipItem(Pocket.Shoe, 17941, 0x007B2C10, 0x00FFFF66, 0x00893021);
SetBody(height: 0f);
SetFace(skinColor: 15, eyeType: 0, eyeColor: 0, mouthType: 24);
SetLocation(1, 3126, 31259, 126);

EquipItem(Pocket.Face, 3900, 0x00B6D76D, 0x002078BD, 0x00FEE6D9);
EquipItem(Pocket.Hair, 3045, 0x009C5D42, 0x009C5D42, 0x009C5D42);
EquipItem(Pocket.Armor, 15575, 0x00FFCCCC, 0x00663300, 0x00FF3399);
EquipItem(Pocket.Shoe, 17941, 0x00CC99FF, 0x00FFFFFF, 0x00893021);
EquipItem(Pocket.Head, 18306, 0x00FF99CC, 0x00EF9252, 0x00FFFFFF);
SetBody(height: 0f);
SetFace(skinColor: 15, eyeType: 0, eyeColor: 0, mouthType: 24);
SetLocation(1, 3127, 30863, 126);

EquipItem(Pocket.Face, 3900, 0x0060B756, 0x002F6A5D, 0x00FCF7AE);
EquipItem(Pocket.Hair, 3045, 0x009C5D42, 0x009C5D42, 0x009C5D42);
EquipItem(Pocket.Armor, 15575, 0x00FFCCCC, 0x00663300, 0x00FF3399);
EquipItem(Pocket.Shoe, 17941, 0x00CC99FF, 0x00FFFFFF, 0x00893021);
EquipItem(Pocket.Head, 18269, 0x005A4D8C, 0x00FF66FF, 0x00AB9AFF);

Student NPC Text

They all say the same messages, which are

	"I'm feeling feisty today!",
	"What skill are we gonna learn today?",
	"I wish school was open all year round!",
	"We go home when the sun sets. Otherwise our moms would scold us.",
	"\"Do you like your mom more or dad more?\"<br/>Why do adults like to ask these stupid questions? They have<br/>to know we're just gonna say what they want to hear..."


The log includes

  • Going through each function (Details, Exit, then Teach Lesson) (actual order is Details, Teach Lesson, Exit)
  • Doing the event with a skill I didn't know
  • Talking to the teacher after the kids leave
  • Talking to the teacher about the event after I've already done it


What's Missing

All quest info and of course, what is said for the skills. I personally won't be able to get them all since I don't have/use all the skills. Below, I'll keep a list of which ones we do have.

What Skills are Logged

You can find all logged skills in my dropbox folder.

Download All Logged Files (in dropbox)


It seems like any time you don't know the skill, the message is always the same (with the exception of the skill name). That's about it... feel free to leave your logs below. Thanks to DeleteIT for tab hogging giving me a backup of this post before the rollback.

Edited by Cryptic
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