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Posts posted by Miro

  1. On 7/30/2016 at 1:24 PM, YaibaToKen said:

    Ouch, thanks, didnt even notice.

    Granted, she comes back as a zombie and dies of starvation, everyone with a brain is currently staying at home, working on Aura ;)

    I wish I mastered all programming languages.

    Granted, but there will be a solar flare which wipes out all computers.

    I wish for more sun like the past few weeks in the netherlands :)

  2. 12 hours ago, NegativeJ said:

    Granted... However said corruption turns you into a succubus!

    I wish that miro would try to seduce exec.

    Granted, But exec will stop working on aura because he spends all his time with me.
    I wish that everyone has a nice christmas :)

  3. 3 hours ago, exec said:

    I wonder about that. It might be different now, but for the first half of Mabi EU's lifespan I was generally pleased with them. It was still Nexon of course, but it wasn't that bad. It was better than my experience with Nexon NA before that.

    NA nexon has improved a lot imo, more interaction, better support, more professional websites, frequent updates/events, lots of forum events.
    EU nexon.. Besides hating most of the EU playerbase in any eu server spamming global chats in their own languages, the sites seemed quite old and we all know how the "update" schedule was there.. Don't know about their support system etc, but for me it just seems/seemed that nexon EU doesn't quite know what they're doing

  4. Exactly what exec is saying,

    In both engines you can write your own shaders, (manipulate lighting), and it all comes down to polycount/good textures, normal mapping, bump mapping, materials, etc.
    You can get the exact same visuals in unity as UE4, u just may have to write some additional image effects and shaders.

    I don't exactly see how (for example, my recent shader-mess-around-project) HAS to look bad in unity

    Cough Cough, Self promotionfac1c39e21.jpg

  5. Can't you select the enemy by clicking on it? Or tabbing?

    tabbing never gives me the enemy i want, and clicking is awkward with wasd in mabi, since you have to "right click/middle" to rotate, then click on the enemy, and THEN load your skill (ot before) and THEN click again. It's too many steps and targetting, using skills and walking at the same time just doesn't work. Well maybe it works, but it doesnt change that it's slow and awkward for the player compared to full mouse and skills with keyboard.

    tl;dr; tab targeting just feels shitty with wasd (action) movement.

  6. Vindictus and similar games basically?

    pretty much, i wouldnt' see wasd working in mabi otherwise.. and the "taget enemy near cursor" never gives me the enemy i actually want.

  7. what are the general problems you encounter?

    I personally prefer clicking, but my main problem is:

    Point and click does not go well with wasd.

    The targeting is just horrible. It wants you to WASD, while you SOMEHOW select enemies, and while you got both your mouse and WASD pressed, you're supposed to be able to load skills. WASD movement only works in "action" combat for me, by either not needing to select enemies (or just have mouse in rotation mode and have an "crosshair"), or just having skills hotkeyed to left/right click, which seems like a hinder for me.

    Holding middle mouse or right mouse button to rotate, and simultaneously clicking left to select enemies is quite awkward too.

    I'd suggest having two "modes" with different layouts. One is traditional mabi point and click, and the other is mouselook with a "crosshair" and WASD movement, and you'd be able to click on gui by going into a regular mouse state, by pressing something like alt or opening your ivnentory.

    EDIT: the player should also automatically follow mouse's rotation if it was in wasd mode.

  8. What's slow about Mabi's combat is basically that it's rather strategic, or at least it was in the past. You wait around, to see what the enemy does, you wait for it to run into your Counter/Defense, you have to plan ahead what's gonna happen next if your skills have a load time, etc. It's quite a contrast to an action combat system, where you're constantly moving. This changed a little with the dynamic system of course.

    I actually kind of like the new combat system. when i went back on the old system a while ago, It felt like i was pretty hindered by waiting for skills to complete loading. Ofcourse, this system wouldn't work for pvp, but pvp was broken and useless nonetheless. 


    Repetitive dungeons [1]

    • Got too easy [...]
    • Boring nights (no special monsters, etc) [1]
    • Reforges [!]
    • Unfair open world PvP [...]
    • Skill training balancing (some skills are way harder to learn than others) [1]
    • Too much new content, ignored old content [...]
    • Get hit once and you're dead [1]

    These are my main concerns. The game get's too easy at higher levels, either you get hit 1's, or you get hit 30000's.
    I feel like the skills would need to give less stats so the curve of becoming "1337 uber pro" is a bit less.. obvious. 

    Ofcourse the reforging system also contributed to this. The idea COULD be good if executed well, But it should give MINOR improvements and shouldn't be focussed on spamming forever until you get to rank 1.

    The idea of regular "events" like field bosses would be really great if it was worked out some more.
    There could be daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly events that could randomly occur. with maybe the rarer an event, the more it could impact the world.

    I'm talking about town raids (that will teach those afk-ing fashinogi's >:D), continental PvP, Possibly travelling merchants which can randomly appear. Just some things that can make the world feel more alive than seeing the same-ol dunbarton filled with the same people and npc's.

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