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Collection Guide


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This will frequently be updated by GrandTickler on the official forums: https://forum.treeofsavior.com/t/guide-grand-collection-chest-guide/177468



Almost every map in the game has their own hidden chest that requires no key, in the chest you can find a collection item which you can turn in at either:
Kleipeda's Magic Association Henrika: located north of the warp statue
Orsha's Magic Association Florianna: located near north exit

Each collection item requires their own set of items which can be found in the same map you found the collection in.
And each collection completed will grant your character, and ALL future characters you make a small stat bonus.
So you only have to complete a collection once per account.

In the past few days i have been exploring like crazy and have pinned down all the hidden locations of these chests including their item requirements and will share them all with you.


The guide is far from complete but i will update it frequently, filling in all the gaps.

i have sorted it all by level of the map

every link will show you a single picture with the exact location of a chest, their item requirements and stat bonus.




Edited by vegax87
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