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Cosmos last won the day on April 29 2016

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About Cosmos

  • Birthday January 18

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  1. Granted. Your new graphics card is a GeForce 256. Have fun playing the first Rollercoaster tycoon. I wish for world peace
  2. Cosmos

    Melia quick setup

    You're supposed to type it into the login screen in the username field. As for your second question, can you let us know if you have any red in the Melia console windows? Screenshots can be super helpful
  3. Cosmos


    Welcome!! You published a guide so I'd say you're already "useful again"
  4. Cosmos


    Hey Keith! We're excited to see you join the Aura Project forums. Make sure you go ahead and introduce yourself in the Welcome Forum!
  5. Cosmos

    Melia quick setup

    Step six of your guide had the IP set as, but the default port for the melia web server to run on is simply port 80. I missed the step of your guide explaining people should change the default melia port to port 8080 however, so that was my mistake. I rolled back my edit so it should be back to what you had it listed as. My mistake!
  6. Cosmos

    Melia quick setup

    Updated to use the correct port number since it seems to have changed to 80
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