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Everything posted by StydianX

  1. i have a new problem tho. i was able to import the .sql file to phpmyadmin and i proceeded to do the next step. then this happened: and i thought, this has something to do with the password i set, so i went to php admin and i changed the roo local host password, and now it would allow me to access Myphp admin. what do i do now?
  2. This worked. omg! thank you! thank you as well for trying to help and sharing your knowledge! Yay! now i can move on to the next step!
  3. i have uninstalled and re-installed it but same thing happens. below are some of the SS that i have taken in regard to the error im having.
  4. yes sir, it is green like in the picture. step 3 and 4 is the only part where i got lost. when i go to "http://locahost/phpmyadmin" it either shows " cannot connect : invalid settings(MySQL error) " or "This site can't be reached".
  5. I have followed this quick setup, but i encounter a problem that i can't seem to get through, on the part that i go to, i think i am done with step 3, so i got to step 4, and when i type in "http://locahost/phpmyadmin" it always fails, and tells me "cannot connect : invalid settings". which leads me to thinking, i did something wrong on step number 3, BUT, when i double check the step 3 part, everything is as instructed, ports are same and the IP is the same (default). so, if anyone can help me, it would be really great.
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